Category Archives: Healthy Living

Colonies of bacteria in your house…in your water bottle…in your water filter

Bacteria’s ability to reproduce is one reason I advise private well owners that treating their well using chlorine or even hydrogen peroxide is only a temporary solution. One must kill every individual bacteria, which is highly unlikely, or the colony will reestablish itself. If you install the UV light at the same time you disinfect the well then you have provided a more long term solution to the problem of bacterial contamination of well water. Most bacteria are harmless to humans. Still…that is not always the case. Even though bacteria are everywhere and most are harmless to humans it’s a good idea to take small precautions such as these to keep them in check. Continue reading

Posted in Best Water Filter, Exposure to Toxins, Healthy Drinking Water, Healthy Living | 57 Comments

One More Negative Health Effect of Drinking Chlorinated Water: Food Allergies

drinking chlorine and its byproducts or pesticides will kill the beneficial bacteria . Bacteria in the digestive tract aid in digesting food. It stands to reason then that if they are harmed by drinking pesticides or chlorinated water then your body will be less efficient at digestion. This is just one more indictment of the dangers of chlorinated water. While chlorine is an important tool in the disinfection of water to eliminate disease, it is beneficial to consumers to remove the chlorine from water at your home. It can be removed using a simple point of use device like my awesome Kitchen Defender water filter.

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Posted in Exposure to Toxins, Healthy Drinking Water, Healthy Living, Whole House Water Filter | 4 Comments

Dr. Oz Makes a Bad Call on Neti Pot Use

Neti pots have been in use since ancient times as a means to cleanse the sinuses. Recently Dr. Mehment Oz recommended the use of Neti Pots and what Dr. Oz recommends huge numbers of people act on. It turns out though that there’s a brain eating amoeba in some drinking water supplies that are harmless unless you put them up your nose. You may become infected while swimming or drinking unfiltered spring water, though you have to somehow get the latter up your nose. Two people in Louisiana recently died. Using a Neti pot with infected water is suspected as the cause. To safely use your Neti pot, you should first kill any bacteria or amoebas that may be present in your water by first boiling that water unless you are using a kitchen water filter with UV light.

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Posted in Best Water Filter, Healthy Living | 5 Comments

Where is the toxicity that is harming my thyroid coming from?

Reduce toxicity and revive your thyroid so that you can start shedding the pounds, be happy and energetic again.

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Posted in Exposure to Toxins, Healthy Living, Water Purification | Leave a comment

Radon In Well Water – The Most Effective Way to Remove Radon from Well Water

Some scientists suggest that ‘no level of radon is safe’ and radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer. Yet it is invisible and may be present without your knowledge. If you have well water it is possible to have radon in your water. The danger from waterborne radon is inhaling it in the shower or while standing at your kitchen sink. The most effective means of removing radon from your water is to use an aeration system. This system will agitate the water to remove the gas and vent it outside before the water enters your home. Another possible danger associated with radon is the accumulation of radon in carbon filters in your kitchen.
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Posted in Healthy Drinking Water, Healthy Living, Sweetwater LLC, Water Purification, Well Water Purification, Whole House Water Filtration and Purification | Leave a comment

SpringHouse by EcoQuest – repair issues

At one time I was the top seller of the SpringHouse whole house water purification system, a product I like and fuly believe in. Long before EcoQuest sold to Vollara and SpringHouse was dropped from the product mix, it became quite evident that the company had lost interest in the product. I continue to provide filters for customers of mine who own the SpringHouse. UV bulbs, quartz sleeves, and ballasts may no longer be available. One problem that seemed to plague some owners of SpringHouse was the issue of canister failure. Continue reading

Posted in Best Water Filter, Healthy Drinking Water, Healthy Living, Sweetwater LLC, Water Purification, Whole House Water Filter, Whole House Water Filtration and Purification | 42 Comments

A Test Of City Water Finds Two Violations

City water reports provide both the average value of a contaminant and the range including the highs and lows. A customer of mine who is trying to regain her health recently asked me to test her city’s water. I normally rely on city water reports but she wanted some insight into the water at her faucet. USEPA regulates the level of contaminants that public agencies are allowed to provide to their customers. But what most people don’t realize is that these agencies can exceed the standards from time to time as long as the annual average remains within the limits set by EPA. All city water will contain some form of chlorine and its carcinogenic byproducts. For this reason I recommend that every home have a water filter, but which filter you need depends on what’s in your water.

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Posted in Best Water Filter, Bottled Water, Exposure to Toxins, Healthy Drinking Water, Healthy Living, Spring Water, Sweetwater LLC, Water Purification, Whole House Water Filter, Whole House Water Filtration and Purification | Leave a comment

What Are The Minerals In Water?

The minerals in water will vary due to the make up of the local rock and soils where the water resides before it emerges as surface water. Even rain and snow melt will pick up minerals from surrounding earth as it flows downstream. Every water source is different due to this fact. This article discusses the most common minerals in water. Continue reading

Posted in Best Water Filter, Bottled Water, Healthy Drinking Water, Healthy Living, Spring Water, Sweetwater LLC | Leave a comment

Avoid Atrazine In Water

Atrazine, an herbicide commonly used on row crops, is another one of those contaminants that is dangerous at the lowest of levels. A frog that is born in water containing only 1 ppb of atrazine will develop both male and female sex organs. I suggest that you avoid atrazine altogether. Continue reading

Posted in Exposure to Toxins, Healthy Living, Sweetwater LLC, Well Water Purification, Whole House Water Filter, Whole House Water Filtration and Purification | Leave a comment

The Benefits of a Raw Juice Cleanse

I always figured nature provides perfectly balanced food, including the important fiber which we lose through juicing. My research proved to me that there are some big benefits to a short juice fast for an already healthy person and even greater benefits of juicing for someone who is not in great health. Continue reading

Posted in Exposure to Toxins, Healthy Living, Sweetwater LLC, Water Purification | Leave a comment