Category Archives: Best Water Filter

which water filter is the best for producing water that is healthy to drink. This can and does depend on the contaminants present in the water supply and the correct application of treatments or media to remove those contaminants

KDF Media vs Silver Impregnated Carbon

KDF Media vs Silver Impregnated Carbon – which is better in a whole house water filter? It’s my opinion that bathing in shower water when there is a silver impregnated carbon whole house water filter on the house can harm … Continue reading

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Drinking Water Reduces Heart Disease

I came across this interesting article that articulates why drinking sufficient water every day is important. Drinking water reduces heart disease, a leading cause of death in the US. I’m sure you’ve heard that but this article actually ties water … Continue reading

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Another Study has found Cancer Causing Chemicals in City Water

Another study has found cancer causing chemicals in city water. There’s nothing new about this. What’s new is that USEPA is rolling back some protections for drinking water. I’ve been telling you for years that there are carcinogens in city … Continue reading

Posted in Best Water Filter, Exposure to Toxins | Tagged | 2 Comments

Fluoride in Water Affects Children

A study suggests fluoride in water affects children, in particular the IQ of boys.  A news story on CNN announced the findings of a study released on August 19, 2019 which shows a correlation between fluoride in the drinking water … Continue reading

Posted in Best Water Filter, Exposure to Toxins, Healthy Living, Reverse Osmosis, Whole House Water Filtration and Purification | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Pex Pipe Leaches Carcinogens Into Drinking Water

 I found this alarming article demonstrating that pex pipe leaches carcinogens into drinking water. People who call me about water purification often ask what type of pipes I prefer in a home. My answer is copper. Some people think that copper … Continue reading

Posted in Best Water Filter, Healthy Drinking Water, Reverse Osmosis | Tagged | 7 Comments

Amoeba in Tap Water Kills Woman in Seattle

An Amoeba in tap water kills woman in Seattle. How can you protect yourself? The death of a woman in Seattle from an amoeba in her tap water has people wondering how to protect themselves. This is apparently the second … Continue reading

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63 Million People Exposed to Toxins in Drinking Water

The best water filter is the one that removes the contaminants in your water. Just today an article came out discussing the fact that some 63 million people have been exposed to dangerous toxins in their water during the past … Continue reading

Posted in Best Water Filter, Healthy Drinking Water, Water Purification, Whole House Water Filter | 2 Comments

Drinking Water Affects the Health of Young Men

People are not taking the problems with drinking water seriously enough. Perhaps you are …. because you’re reading this article. But most people are not. There are two big news items out just this week that pertain to tap water. … Continue reading

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Whole House Water Filter – Backwash Filters Are Better Than Upflow

This article is intended to clarify the difference between my Urban Defender, a backwashing whole house water filter, and cheaper whole house carbon systems that do not backwash. Learn more here. Upflow filters cost less and are less effective. Backwash filters are … Continue reading

Posted in Best Water Filter, Whole House Water Filter, Whole House Water Filtration and Purification | Tagged | 1 Comment

Pharmaceuticals in Drinking Water

When people call me to ask what water filtration system I recommend I always look at their local water report. Only then can I make a recommendation. There are several reasons for this. Pharmaceuticals in drinking water are a major … Continue reading

Posted in Best Water Filter, Reverse Osmosis, Water Purification | 1 Comment