I am writing this to provide you with information so that you are more aware of how you may be affected by recent political actions regarding source water protection. The water you drink comes from someplace upstream. So, when those sources are polluted your drinking water is also polluted. You must protect yourself.
Every day people call me to learn how to remove the contaminants in either their water. Every day I look at water reports and advise people what they can do to protect themselves. The first thing we look at when reviewing a water report is where the water comes from. Does it come from the mountains? Are there cities upstream? Are there farms or mines upstream? Whatever is happening upstream of you affects the quality of the water you drink. To know what’s in your water you must know what’s happening upstream.
The Trump administration, in collaboration with Congress, is taking steps to remove protections from drinking water sources. Recently Congress passed legislation allowing coal mining operations to again dump waste into nearby streams.
President Trump is set to try to remove protections from some protected water bodies.
The point of the second article below is that all waters are connected. Streams flow into rivers which provide drinking water to millions of Americans. These streams are fed by wetlands, forests, prairies, mountains, or springs… When you pollute the source, or allow it to be polluted, you also pollute the water downstream. Often times people are drinking that water. The point is, you must learn how this pertains to you.
Even well water flows unseen beneath your property coming from some place (with higher unseen terrain) and just passing you by as it flows slowly downhill.
For years I’ve been telling people that EPA drinking water standards are not an indication of what is healthy in water. They are a political compromise. Attempts to roll back clean water standards demonstrate what I have been saying.
Trump to order review of clean water rule
You can read the entire article about the President’s intentions in the New York Times here:
The following article discusses why it is important to protect water upstream, at its point of origin:
If you care about the water you drink you may wish to consider the information presented in this article. We live in an era when the best action is to protect yourself. Learn how at www.cleanairpurewater.com