City Water Contains Known Carcinogens

City water contains known carcinogens

City water contains known carcinogens including trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids. You can find these in your local water report. What follows is a brief discussion of some of the common carcinogens in city water:


 Trihalomethanes are formed as a by-product predominantly when chlorine is used to disinfect water for drinking.  Some of the THMs are quite volatile and may easily vaporize into the air. This makes it possible to inhale THMs while showering, for example. The THMs produced have been associated through epidemiological studies with some adverse health effects.

Haloacetic acids:

Haloacetic acids (HAAs) are a by-product of drinking water chlorination. Exposure to such disinfection by-products in drinking water has been associated with a number of health outcomes by epidemiological studies.

Other contaminants depend on the landuse taking place above your water source if it is from wells or upstream if it is from rivers.


‘…the US Geological Survey, has released a pretty damning study of the pesticide class, known as neonicitinoids.

USGS researchers took 79 water samples in nine rivers and streams over the 2013 growing season in Iowa,…. Neonics showed up in all of the sites, and proved to be “both mobile and persistent in the environment.”

Health effects of pesticides may be acute or delayed in those who are exposed.[1] A 2007 systematic review found that “most studies on non-Hodgkin lymphoma and leukemia showed positive associations with pesticide exposure” and thus concluded that cosmetic use of pesticides should be decreased.[2] Strong evidence also exists for other negative outcomes from pesticide exposure including neurological problems, birth defects, fetal death,[3] and neurodevelopmental disorder.[4]


In 2010 the EPA showed that 54 active pharmaceutical ingredients and 10 metabolites had been found in treated drinking water. An earlier study from 2005 by the EPA and the U.S. Geological Survey states that 40% of water was contaminated with nonprescription pharmaceuticals, and it has been reported that 8 of the 12 most commonly occurring chemicals in drinking water are estrogenic hormones.


Lead may be in city water pipes or in the solder of homes built prior to 1986. It may be in faucets sold before 2014.

Lead interferes with a variety of body processes and is toxic to many organs and tissues 

Lead interferes with the development of the nervous system and is therefore particularly toxic to children, causing potentially permanent learning and behavior disorders.
Chloramines, whichhave been adopted as a substitute for chlorine disinfectants in numerous cities, increase corrositivity of water … leading to more lead in the water.

Nitrates in drinking water at just half the maximum level allowed by the USEPA have been correlated with an increased risk of bladder cancer in older women.

City water contains known carcinogens

City water contains known carcinogens. Be sure to learn the source of your water. Find out what contaminants are present. Buy the filter that removes them. What can you do? Take action by learning what is in your city’s water. Obtain a copy of your local water quality report. In addition to those items listed as contaminants, be sure to look at the source of water to see if there are cities or other polluters upstream of where you live. Learn how to find your water report.


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About James McMahon

Studied ecology at the University of Illinois, mountain survival at Eastern Washing University, Deep Ecology at Naropa, River Ecology with The Nature Conservancy and Luna Leopold
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2 Responses to City Water Contains Known Carcinogens

  1. Pingback: Drinking Water Affects the Health of Young Men - Best Water Purification Blog by Sweetwater LLC

  2. Pingback: Another Study has found Cancer Causing Chemicals in City Water -Best Water Purification Blog by Sweetwater LLC

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