Category Archives: Sweetwater LLC

Sweetwater LLC was founded in 2002 by James P McMahon. Jim provides water purification systems, air purifiers, healthy living products, and environmental consulting services to individuals seeking a healthy lifestyle

Unregulated Pesticides in Drinking Water are more Dangerous

It turns out that unregulated pesticides in drinking water are more dangerous than previously known. For some years I’ve been warning about the presence of unregulated pesticides in drinking water. This occurs where there is farming upstream of you if … Continue reading

Posted in Exposure to Toxins, Healthy Drinking Water, Reverse Osmosis, Whole House Water Filter | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

How to Remove PFAs from Water

PFAs are present in 99% of people tested. This article talks about their prevalence and how to remove PFAs from water in your house. PFAS, or perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances were invented in the 1950s. They are used in products … Continue reading

Posted in Exposure to Toxins, PFAs in water, Remove PFAs from water, Reverse Osmosis, Whole House Water Filter | Tagged , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Bacteria in Your Showerhead Can Make You Sick

A recent study has revealed a link between bacteria residing in your showerhead and lung infections. The study shows that bacteria in your showerhead can make you sick.  One type of mycobacteria can cause a lung infection if inhaled while … Continue reading

Posted in Exposure to Toxins, Water Purification, Whole House Water Filter, Whole House Water Filtration and Purification | Tagged | Leave a comment

Are you eating organic food but drinking tap water?

Are you eating organic food but drinking tap water? Many of use eat organic food for the purpose of avoiding pesticides and other additives. I know I do. But did you know these same chemicals you’re attempting to avoid may … Continue reading

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Amoeba in Tap Water Kills Woman in Seattle

An Amoeba in tap water kills woman in Seattle. How can you protect yourself? The death of a woman in Seattle from an amoeba in her tap water has people wondering how to protect themselves. This is apparently the second … Continue reading

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When Buying A Whole House Water Filter Size Is Important

When buying a whole house water filter size is important. One aspect of water treatment seldom mentioned to consumers is contact time. Incoming water must remain in contact with the carbon in your filter for a certain amount of time in order … Continue reading

Posted in Healthy Living, Sweetwater LLC, Water Purification, Water Use, Whole House Water Filter, Whole House Water Filtration and Purification | Tagged | 4 Comments

Bacteria in City Water Causing Sickness and Death

Bacteria in City Water is causing sickness and death. Illness and Deaths due to contaminated city water has increaased, according to new reports by the Center for Disease Control. Interestingly, most of the problems stem from bacteria, in particular Legionella, which was … Continue reading

Posted in Exposure to Toxins, Healthy Living, Water Purification, Whole House Water Filter, Whole House Water Filtration and Purification | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Drinking Water Affects the Health of Young Men

People are not taking the problems with drinking water seriously enough. Perhaps you are …. because you’re reading this article. But most people are not. There are two big news items out just this week that pertain to tap water. … Continue reading

Posted in Best Water Filter, Exposure to Toxins, Whole House Water Filter | Leave a comment

The Water You Drink Comes From Some Place Upstream

I am writing this to provide you with information so that you are more aware of how you may be affected by recent political actions regarding source water protection. The water you drink comes from someplace upstream. So, when those … Continue reading

Posted in Healthy Drinking Water, Spring Water | Leave a comment

Lead in Drinking Water at any level is Unsafe

No amount of lead in drinking water is safe. I have been saying for many years that USEPA standards for contaminants in water are a political compromise. Just because your water meets EPA standards (MCL) does not mean the water is … Continue reading

Posted in Best Water Filter, Exposure to Toxins, Healthy Drinking Water, Healthy Living, Whole House Water Filtration and Purification | Tagged | Leave a comment