The bottled waters I recommend are spring waters local to your region

The dog days of summer are here and people are out and about, traveling and eating at restaurants. Consumption of bottled water is at its peak. The bottled waters I recommend are spring waters local to your region.

First, I only drink filtered water when I can. I carry several bottles with me in my car and when traveling for less than a week by car I carry filtered water from home. People who ride with me ask about all the water in my car, but it’s very dry here in the West. Continue reading

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Drink Water to Support Your Immune System

It’s important to stay hydrated during these stressful times. Drink water to support your immune system. Water is important to maintaining all body functions. When you drink water it is absorbed through your intestines where it serves to replenish and detoxify your body.

Unlike the myth that you must drink 8 glasses of water each day you actually obtain water from drinks including coffee as well as from food. However, drinking a glass of filtered water is the best way to hydrate and I do this upon waking every day… before that first cup of coffee. I continue to drink water throughout the day. Continue reading

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Posted in Exposure to COVID-19, Exposure to Toxins, Healthy Drinking Water, Healthy Living | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

Another Study has found Cancer Causing Chemicals in City Water

Another study has found cancer causing chemicals in city water. There’s nothing new about this. What’s new is that USEPA is rolling back some protections for drinking water. I’ve been telling you for years that there are carcinogens in city water.

This time of year the Environmental Working Group starts talking about contaminants in water as part of their annual fund raising efforts. Expect to hear more in the coming months. The concerns are legitimate.

If you are drinking unfiltered tap water then you are exposing yourself to carcinogens every day. Some people eat organic food but still drink tap water.

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Posted in Best Water Filter, Exposure to Toxins | Tagged | 2 Comments

Fluoride in Water Affects Children

A study suggests fluoride in water affects children, in particular the IQ of boys.  A news story on CNN announced the findings of a study released on August 19, 2019 which shows a correlation between fluoride in the drinking water of pregnant women and the IQ of their children when measured at 3 to 4 years old.

“The study, published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics on Monday, found that increased levels of fluoride exposure during pregnancy were associated with declines in IQ in children.” – CNN

Other studies have suggested that fluoride is a neurotoxin but this is the first to study levels of fluoride commonly present in water supplies throughout the United States and Canada. That suggests that current levels of fluoride need to be evaluated further as a potentail neurotoxin affecting our children. Continue reading

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Plastic water bottles release toxins when exposed to sunlight or heat

Under no circumstances would I ever drink plastic bottled water that’s been in the sun or exposed to high heat by sitting in the car. Plastic water bottles release toxins when exposed to sun or heat.

It’s that simple.

This article came out at the end of last week and it contains a variety of misleading information. Not the least of which is the bottled water association saying the bottled water exposed to heat is just fine.

Most bottles water in stores is sold in PET bottles. This study indicates that plastic water bottles exposed to sun or heat  releases toxins although they are not the ones you commonly hear about: Continue reading

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Pex Pipe Leaches Carcinogens Into Drinking Water

 I found this alarming article demonstrating that pex pipe leaches carcinogens into drinking water.

People who call me about water purification often ask what type of pipes I prefer in a home. My answer is copper. Some people think that copper leaches into their water but that is typical only when there is low pH water. Older copper pipes of course use lead solder and the lead is a problem if it leaches into your water.

In any case I prefer copper to the newer pipe options that are cheaper and easier to use.

One popular pipe these days is pex. I recently researched leaching in pex pipes and found this article clearly showing the pex pipe leaches carcinogens into drinking water. If you have a newer home I urge you to read it: Continue reading

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Posted in Best Water Filter, Healthy Drinking Water, Reverse Osmosis | Tagged | 7 Comments

Unregulated Pesticides in Drinking Water are more Dangerous

It turns out that unregulated pesticides in drinking water are more dangerous than previously known.

For some years I’ve been warning about the presence of unregulated pesticides in drinking water. This occurs where there is farming upstream of you if your water supply is a river. (example: Mississippi River) It can also happen if your water comes from wells and there is farming nearby. (example: Central Valley of California). These unregulated pesticides, a class known as neonicotinoids, were discovered in every river in the Midwest. See my own article here in 2014:  Continue reading

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How to Remove PFAs from Water

PFAs are present in 99% of people tested. This article talks about their prevalence and how to remove PFAs from water in your house.

PFAS, or perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances were invented in the 1950s. They are used in products like non-stick pans and stain or water resistant carpeting or furniture. Now they are everywhere. I recently learned that they are present in the Glide floss I am using. We take in PFAs through eating and drinking and contact with products…like floss.

Here’s the best article I’ve found that talks about the research being done:  Continue reading

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Posted in Exposure to Toxins, PFAs in water, Remove PFAs from water, Reverse Osmosis, Whole House Water Filter | Tagged , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Bacteria in Your Showerhead Can Make You Sick

A recent study has revealed a link between bacteria residing in your showerhead and lung infections. The study shows that bacteria in your showerhead can make you sick.  One type of mycobacteria can cause a lung infection if inhaled while showering.

Mycobacteria are resistant to chlorine, therefore they remain in your water even though it’s been treated with chlorine to kill bacteria. They thrive in water. They may reside in your showerhead because the inside remains moist all the time. When you take a shower they can be flushed out where you can inhale them. Continue reading

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Are you eating organic food but drinking tap water?

Are you eating organic food but drinking tap water? Many of use eat organic food for the purpose of avoiding pesticides and other additives. I know I do. But did you know these same chemicals you’re attempting to avoid may be present in your tap water? Start by finding and reviewing your local water quality report. If the chemicals, such as atrazine (a pesticide) are regulated then they will be listed on your local water quality report. If they are unregulated, such as numerous nematicides commonly used in farming, then they will not be listed. Still, if you live in an area where there is farming upstream of you, it is very likely that they are in your water. Continue reading

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